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LaminApp Blog
Category: Tutorials
css tips

Tips for better CSS coding and styles

Previously, we explained about styles in the HTML page. But in this session, we want to teach important points about placing CSS codes on the

Learning CSS

Guide to designing web pages with CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the programming language that controls the design and layout of web pages. Using CSS, you can make detailed design changes

Create Html Page

How to Code a Simple HTML Page

In the previous sessions, we said that the main skeleton of a website and web app is written in HTML and decorated using CSS, then

PWA Development Code Editors

Progressive Web App development code editors

As you read earlier, Progressive Web Applications, or PWAs, are web applications that use modern web technologies to create a mobile app-like user experience. These

How to share a web application on mobile?

How to share a web application on mobile?

In this post, we are going to teach you how to share the web applications provided in LaminApp through Android, iOS and iPadOS Browsers in other applications.


Add LaminApp PWA to home screen

From 2007 until now, Progressive web applications are very advanced, but users have not welcomed them as much as they should. While developing web apps