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web app store

Now LaminApp is ONE

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LaminApp web app store project is celebrating its one year anniversary with its hard working team. These are the words of the Brown brothers that if the kind family of LaminApp were not by our side during these years of research and development, LaminApp would never have been born.

So far, 2 beta versions of LaminApp have been released for the web platform and in addition to minor changes in the UI, there has been a lot of growth in the backend to suit the needs of users. One of the most important features of our web app store is the search engine for web apps based on powerful AI core, creating a web app store based on all the modern features of browsers such as internal sharing, shortcuts, and the ability to install web apps on all devices and operating systems and…


Facts and Figures

Over the past 365 days, the web apps you used the most include:

  1. TikTok
  2. Bing
  3. Spotify
  4. Instagram
  5. Gmail

During the last 365 days, the most web apps you used included these, the total number of users of these five web apps was 17.5 million, and LaminApp had 28 million users in the last 365 days. We thank you.

With the advent of artificial intelligence and platforms based on it, some believed that the era of web apps and classic applications would end and all everyday tools would be mixed with AI. But the reality is that many specialized business platforms or even everyday tools will only have artificial intelligence capabilities, but the current structure of web apps and applications will remain functional for years.

What surprised our team in this one year is the popularization of virtual lifestyle where users have accepted the alternative use of web apps instead of native apps and this is a great success for LaminApp.


LaminApp in the future

From the first day until now, our team has promised you that it will not bother you by making money through advertising, and we still stand by this promise. The first stable version of LaminApp will be announced in July and wait for the introduction of our virtual family soon!

Thank you for your support for a year.

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