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A Guide to DuckDuckGo
A Guide to DuckDuckGo

A Guide to DuckDuckGo: Breaking Free from the Pack

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When it comes to search engines, most people are familiar with Google, Bing, and Yahoo. However, there is another search engine that has been gaining popularity in recent years, and that is DuckDuckGo.

In the LaminApp blog, we decided to introduce startups and web apps that are practical. Previously, we introduced the Photopea photo editor web app, and today we have gone to another web app.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at this search engine, its history, creators, goals, features, and flaws.


History and Creators

DuckDuckGo was founded in 2008 by Gabriel Weinberg, an entrepreneur from Pennsylvania. Weinberg had previously founded NamesDatabase, a social networking site that was acquired by Classmates.com in 2006.

According to Weinberg, the idea for DuckDuckGo came from his frustration with the search results provided by Google. He felt that Google’s results were heavily biased towards popular websites and didn’t offer enough privacy protection for users.

With that in mind, Weinberg set out to create a search engine that prioritized privacy and provided unbiased search results.


Goals and future

The main goal of this search engine is to provide users with an alternative to traditional search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The company’s slogan is “The search engine that doesn’t track you,” which reflects its commitment to user privacy.

DuckDuckGo’s approach to search is different from its competitors. While Google and other search engines use algorithms to personalize search results based on a user’s search history, location, and other data, DuckDuckGo doesn’t collect any personal data.

Instead, the search engine uses a combination of search algorithms and websites like Wikipedia, Yelp, and Wolfram Alpha to provide users with the most relevant results.



DuckDuckGo offers a number of features that make it a unique search engine. Some of the most notable features include:

  1. Privacy – As mentioned earlier, it doesn’t collect any personal information from users. This means that users can search the web without worrying about their search history being tracked.
  2. !bangs – With !bangs, users can quickly search specific websites by entering a simple command in the search bar. For example, entering “!laminapp DuckDuckGo” will take you directly to the DuckDuckGo landing on LaminApp.
  3. Instant Answers – DuckDuckGo provides instant answers to many queries. These answers are displayed at the top of the search results and can provide users with quick, relevant information.
  4. Customization – DuckDuckGo allows users to customize their search preferences, including changing the search language, region, and safe search settings.
  5. Dark Mode – For users who prefer a darker interface, this search engine offers a dark mode option.


DuckDuckGo desktop version
Using DuckDuckGo desktop version with Microsoft Edge


Deficiencies that need to be improved

While DuckDuckGo is generally considered a safe and secure search engine, there are a few potential side effects to be aware of.

  1. Limited Results – Because DuckDuckGo doesn’t collect data on users, it may not provide as exhaustive search results as Google or other search engines.
  2. Limited Personalization – As a result of its privacy-focused model, it doesn’t provide personalized search results based on a user’s search history, which some users may find limiting.
  3. Advertisements – While DuckDuckGo doesn’t track users, it still displays advertisements based on the search query. As a result, users may still see targeted ads on the website.


Dark Web and DuckDuckGo

Dark web is often associated with illicit activities and shady dealings, making it a topic of interest and intrigue for many people. However, accessing the dark web can be a daunting task for those unfamiliar with its intricacies. Fortunately, DuckDuckGo can help users navigate the dark web safely and easily, providing information and results that are often difficult to find on other search engines. With DuckDuckGo, users can browse the dark web with anonymity and confidence, allowing them to explore a world that is largely hidden from plain sight. Additionally, the search engine’s strict privacy policy ensures that users’ data is never shared or used for tracking purposes, making the search experience even more secure. So, for those curious about the dark web, DuckDuckGo is an excellent place to start.


Functions for professional users

DuckDuckGo can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  1. General Web Searching – DuckDuckGo can be used for general web searching, much like Google or other search engines.
  2. Anonymous Searching – For users who are concerned about their privacy online, DuckDuckGo provides a level of anonymity not found with other search engines.
  3. Research – DuckDuckGo can be used for research purposes, as it provides quick and relevant results without the tracking and personalization found with other search engines. Ex: Keyword research.



DuckDuckGo isn’t the only alternative search engine out there, but it’s certainly one of the most popular. With its commitment to privacy and unbiased search results, it’s no wonder that DuckDuckGo has attracted a growing user base.

While it may not provide the same level of personalization or exhaustive search results as other search engines, it’s a great option for those who want to protect their privacy online.



Install and launch DuckDuckGo from LaminApp – Do you have any questions? Ask us at our Reddit!

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