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LaminApp Blog
Free advertising on LaminApp
Free advertising on LaminApp

Growth opportunity with free content advertising

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As you read earlier on the LaminApp blog, our smart crawlers index web apps published with open access on the Internet in the LaminApp PWA Store. Keep in mind that the most important parameters for indexing web apps are their free public access, practicality, user safety, and secure online payments.

Since the category of web apps indexed in LaminApp is very diverse, users tend to use more well-known brands and tools, and for this reason, startups and emerging web apps have a lower growth rate.

For this purpose, LaminApp media team has provided the possibility of free advertising for web apps related to emerging or popular startups. By referring to LaminApp’s YouTube channel, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages, you will see periodic advertising posts representing indexed web apps.

Advertising posts are usually designed and created with the direct opinion of the LaminApp advertising team, but after publication, interaction with the relevant web app media team will be established and information will be provided about this advertisement.

Communication with LaminApp advertising team

If your web app is not yet indexed in LaminApp or you need to advertise, contact us through the LaminApp Developers page.

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